
Looking to make an impact and support reproductive rights? Read on to find out more about organizations that are doing the work and need your support. We update this section regularly, so check back for updates!

1) Abortion Bridge Collaborative Fund: The ABC Fund supports organizations that center reproductive justice in their mission, values, and work as they navigate this new rapidly changing landscape – recognizing immediate needs while also funding the infrastructure necessary to ensure nationwide abortion access in the long term. Please note that the ABC Fund is not a 501©3 so donations are NOT tax deductible.

2) Whole Woman’s Health Alliance: (update 2/29/24)  "Our clinics in Virginia and Minnesota stand as gateways to abortion care for both the South and Midwest as they diligently serve not only our local communities, but patients forced to travel for care across the country. Through our partnership with University of Virginia, five of UVA’s trained, certified OBGYN physicians – as of January - are now providing abortion care at our WWH of Charlottesville clinic on a rotating basis while also working to support UVA residents in training.   We need general fund dollar support to expand the program to support patients up to 24 weeks and pay our UVA faculty physicians to work at our clinic.   (Here's a good article about Charlottesville.) We plan to expand in Virginia by adding a new clinic on the VA/NC border because so many people are now driving to us from the places where abortion has been banned further South and Virginia remains the only southern state without an abortion ban."  Click here to donate.

3) Las Cruces Women’s Health Organization: Las Cruces Women’s Health Organization (LCWHO) provides safe, legal abortions in New Mexico to residents and those traveling to the state. As their website states: “In some cases, women and minors have to travel across the United States to seek abortion because abortion care in their very own state is illegal”. Help LCWHO provide abortion care to those who need it most by donating by PayPal to The Pink House Fund here.

4) WAWC Health Care (formerly West Alabama Women’s Center): WAWC Healthcare is about to celebrate their two-year anniversary (as of Sept 24) as a full-spectrum, free and sliding scale reproductive health clinic. Since the Dobbs decision they have seen nearly 1500 patients - most of them low income and Black women who were uninsured or on Medicaid and couldn't get into other doctors.  Alabama has only one Planned Parenthood clinic, which is almost an hour away in Birmingham.  The only option for these patients to get birth control is the county health department---and with a county of more than 200,000 people, this means waiting months for an appointment. 
 The staff told me about one of the biggest problems their patients faced getting healthcare: doctors who wouldn't see them to "confirm" their pregnancy with a letter---this is crucial because they can’t apply to Medicaid for prenatal care without one.  WAWC has been providing not just the letters but all of their prenatal care free of charge to make sure they have the healthiest pregnancies possible, without any reimbursement from Medicaid.

5) SASS (Self-Managed Abortion: Safe and Supported): (update 2/29/24) "While heroic efforts have been made to help people get to clinics in other states [without abortion bans], many people simply cannot travel hundreds of miles to a state with a clinic even if there is some funding support.  Unreliable cars, small children at home, and a job with no sick leave are just some of the reasons that abortion pills at home can be a life saver to someone with an unwanted pregnancy. However, research done in early 2023 found that only 1/3 of Americans know about abortion pills.  SASS has worked hard to change that.  In January 2023, thanks to the generous support of donors like you, SASS was able to hire trainers to share information in states with bans, and to provide training and support to West Virginia Free and Prairie Action North Dakota to integrate training about abortion pills into their workplans.  Our strategy of hiring trainers has been successful.  In 2023, SASS trainers convened 313 trainings, reaching over 2180 people in 40 states. Each person who attends a SASS training leaves with the information, training manual, and materials needed to spread the word about safe self-managed abortion with pills in their communities.  While this reach is encouraging, we have set our sights on expanding our work so that everyone, regardless of zip code, knows about abortion pills and how to use them." Your contributions enable SASS to mitigate some of the harm of the Dobbs decision and to ensure options for those most impacted by abortion bans.

6) Wake International: WAKE’s mission is to “harness the power of technology, volunteerism and collaboration to help move the needle for equality, equity and social justice.” Recently, they launched a new initiative, Activism For Reproductive Justice in the US South.

7) The Massachusetts Medication Abortion Access Project (The MAP):We are writing to introduce you to an exciting telemedicine abortion resource. In 2022, Massachusetts passed a Shield Law that allows clinicians who are residing in Massachusetts with a Massachusetts license to prescribe and send abortion pills to abortion seekers in any state. On September 28, 2023, Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants (a non-profit organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts) launched The Massachusetts Medication Abortion Access Project (The MAP). The MAP serves abortion seekers in all 50 states who are 11 weeks pregnant or less at initial contact; the pills arrive within 2-5 days. All services are provided by clinicians who are experienced medication abortion providers, hold a Massachusetts license, and carry professional liability insurance, and The MAP practice complies with all Massachusetts laws and regulations governing telemedicine provision. The MAP services cost $250 but use a pay as much as you can fee structure. To date The MAP has provided abortion pills to over 6,000 people, mostly in states with abortion bans.  One-third of those people could pay only $5-$20. The MAP has been highlighted in articles in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Ms. Magazine. The MAP operationalizes the excellent Massachusetts Shield Law into a tool to provide abortion care to any woman, transgender man, and gender non-binary individual in the US who requests our services, regardless of their zip code. We welcome donations to support those who cannot cover The MAP fee.